Car insurance for one day only is becoming increasingly popular, the more we move around and the easier it is to hire cars the more prevalent such insurance policies are becoming. Temporary car insurance can start from 1 day and last up to 28 days which is determined when setting up your policy, after this you may have to take out more cover or stop using the car. Car insurance for a day often comes at a great daily rate and cheaper than administration costs involved when changing your own policy.
Car insurance for a day does not replace a normal car insurance policy, it does however work with it. It is an alternative to adding a friend or family member onto your own car insurance policy or moving your own policy from one car to another if you happen to be using a different car for a short period of time. Both of these usually come with administration fees which can be £25 to £30 every time you make a change to your policy. It will therefore work out a lot cheaper to use a temporary car insurance policy.
If someone else is planning on driving your car for a day or more, they will need to be insured. A common option in the past was to add them to your own policy, then remove once they have finished. This however is no longer the best possible option financially for either party. Adding someone to your own insurance policy will increase the price of your policy which you will have to pay in a lump sum or add to your monthly payments. In addition to this most insurance providers charge hefty administration fees to add and then remove someone from your policy which you will be responsible for. Adding someone to your own policy can also bring some risks you may not have considered. If that person damages your car and you need to make a claim then this could potentially ruin your no claims discount which you have been building up for several years. You will also be responsible for paying the excess on your policy to repair the damage.
Car insurance for a day is also useful if your car is currently out of action, either being repaired or even having an MOT and you are using a hire car which you are responsible for insuring. It is much quicker to get a temporary insurance policy for the period you will be using the car than change your own policy, especially if you remove the insurance from your own car it will not be covered for fire and theft.
There are many specialist providers which supply car insurance for a day and many general insurers which are now starting to add this to their range of services, it is therefore a good idea to shop around for a quote to get the best possible deal.