It seems that costs of driving could be leading the UK’s drivers into leaving repairs that are needed on the their cars, this is leading to many more accidents on the country’s roads than would normally happen if these cars were kept in proper working order with all repairs no matter how minor being done as when needed.
This is so serious that it is estimated that around twenty three million people are putting their lives not to mention that of their families, friends and other road users too. All this risk is being taken when they are fully aware that their vehicle has something wrong with it that should be fixed as soon as possible.
This research has been under taken by the insurer esure who asked drivers about their driving habits and more importantly how the maintain their vehicles. They found that many drivers are ignoring the warning lights that become illuminated on the cars dash board. The main reason for this is the thought of how much the repair is going to cost, rather than worrying about their safety.
The survey also found that vehicle owners would rather spend money on leisure activities than on a simple fault that has appeared on their vehicle. Yet even a minor fault could lead to an accident and all sorts of problems.
Source [Lombard Direct]
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