Brake, the road safety charity, has lent its support to a manifesto on criminal driving, launched at the Houses of Parliament in March 2015 by Leeds North West MP Greg Mulholland.
The manifesto highlights serious problems with how the justice system deals with cases of criminal driving, and makes a number of recommendations for urgently-needed change, to deliver better justice for victims and their families. It has been developed by Greg Mulholland in partnership with Brake, other campaigning organisations, bereaved families, and a cross-party group of MPs and peers.
Brake is optimistic that the manifesto will influence and add momentum to a review of all driving charges and penalties currently being undertaken by the Ministry of Justice.
Ed Morrow, campaigns officer for Brake, the road safety charity, said: “Greg has been a fantastic champion for reform of criminal driving charges and penalties, and for better justice for victims and their families. We are proud to support the launch of this manifesto, which echoes many of the calls of Brake’s crackdown campaign. Through the support Brake offers to bereaved and injured road crash victims, we see every day the devastating impact these crimes have. Many are left feeling betrayed by the failings of the justice system, due to inappropriate charges and lenient sentences. We are hopeful that this manifesto will help provide the impetus for meaningful and long-lasting change, moving us towards a justice system, and a society, that takes road crimes seriously and helps prevent more tragedies in the future.”
What do you make of the current criminal driving law? Is it up to scratch or is it simply too soft? Answers as always welcomed in the comments section below. Car Articles is seeking to obtain a copy of the manifesto and will provide more information as soon as we can.
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