Once again it seems like petrol prices are a little unstable. I’ve seen prices as low as 105p per litre, but I’ve also seen them sneak back up to 110p per litre – so what’s going on? Well, quite a few people are still saying that fuel companies aren’t passing on the price cut of crude oil, which is true. But let’s remember that the greater part of the cost of petrol or diesel actually comes from tax and duty.
I’ve given some tips before to suggest how you can use less fuel in your car journeys and I’ve now found a site that I hope will help you that little bit more. Fuel-Economy.co.uk has a great little calculator to see what sort of MPG you’re really getting. On top of that, you can find out the MPG figures of many cars on the market today.
Ultimately, it’s not what you drive but how you drive it, to quote a certain Mr Jeremy Clarkson. This is a truism and if you’re hoofing it around like a lout all the time then you’re quite literally paying the price at the moment. Of course, with this in mind, we’ll see far fewer big engined cars in the future. However, this is something that I’ll explore later next week.
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