It has been reported that at a DVLA auction someone has paid £60,000 for the pleasure of owning ‘1 SUV’. The price went sky high after a 25 minute bidding war, resulting in the eye watering sum you see above. Do you own a private plate? Would you ever buy one? How about this plate which is rather, ahem, specific to the particular type of car that you own?
We at Car Articles think that a private plate is a good investment for something that would appear quite timeless on the road. A DB9 perhaps? Or how about an Ariel Atom, where it doesn’t really make a difference what the plate says as you go hurtling past on a B road? £60,000 is a huge sum of money that could buy a lot of car. Would it be spent better on another set of wheels?
Answers, as always, in the comments below…
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