When in the car, we tend to see the space as an extension of the house, or indeed just another room in which to eat, drink or have arguments. The Mail Online has quoted some research which states that it takes on average 22 minutes before the arguments again, with a variety of topics being responsible for people falling out.
The most common is directions or getting lost – quite surprising when most journeys taken would be familiar to the driver you’d think. For my money, it’s parking that tends to cause most of the issues. I’m quite happy to take a space anywhere in the car park, whereas the other half likes to be as close to the doors as possible. This can result in the ‘Why have you parked this far away’ discussion which is extremely frustrating!
Of course, a real concern is the possibility that arguments can lead to people being distracted when driving – which could well lead to accidents. Stay calm, stay focussed and look at directions before you set off!
I really enjoyed reading this post and to answer your question yes I do although I know I shouldn’t due to higher rusk of crashing etc but some things can’t be helped 🙂
My last post on my blog might interest you Citroën sent me a new DS3 sport to trial and review so why not pop over and let me know what you think? ( http://www.justatypicaldad.wordpress.com )
Like I said I’ve enjoyed reading this keep up the good work! 🙂
Hi Jon – thanks for your comment. I wish Citroen would send me a car to trial! Feel free to send them my way next time 😉
Hehe no worries im hoping to have another one in the future! the PR company is at the bottom of my post you should keep them in mind 🙂