I’d say that I drive or ride (whether a motorbike or push bike) quite literally every day. Very occasionally, I see some truly awful examples of driving by other road users. I came across just one such example today.
The rain was lashing down to an extent that it was almost, but not quite, torrential. Conditions were poor to say the least and visibility was reduced. Stopping distances? I’d say more than double.
I was travelling in the correct lane down quite a long straight road. I was driving at around 24-28 miles per hour. Imagine my surprise when a large four wheeled drive vehicle pulled out to perform a right, almost smashing into the passenger side of my car.
I’m naturally averse (probably too stiff upper lip) to use the horn. I have no interest in aggressive driving or road rage. I used my car horn at this time in the way that it was intended – to inform the other driver of my location on the road and in order to avoid a road traffic collision.
Thankfully, the vehicle in question managed to come to a sudden (and one can imagine) unexpected halt. The driver I am sure was an imbecile. If their driving is anything to go by at that time then they clearly go back to having some lessons in hazard perception and road use.
My point here is that more care, not less, should be exercised when weather is so poor. If you’re travelling at 40 mph just ‘because you can’ what then do you explain in court when you’ve ran over a child? How do you face the music when you’ve slid out of control at a roundabout and hit a cyclist?
Worse conditions mean reduced speed. Be safe on the roads.
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