Be the Most Confident Parent with These Teen Driving Safety Tips
Lindsey Lohan is coming of age rather with a bang; the incident of her car crash under the influence of alcohol is getting splashed all over media quite prominently. This incident teaches us about the social aspect of teen driving which is getting more and more reckless day by day.
If you happen to be the parent of teenage children who are about to hit the crazy age of seventeen, you might be worried over such questions as:
What to do to ensure safe teenage driving?
What safeguards to adopt to shield them against fatal driving errors?
How to make responsible drivers out of them?
Well, you have come to the right place to find answers to your questions!
1. The first thing to remember
Don’t allow your child to hit the roads immediately as he comes wide eyed, running to you with a driving license. Make sure you spend at least ten hours with him behind the wheel before he set out for his all-alone driving expedition.
It is always worth paying for Extra Driver Training as it helps him get to the real-world driving situations.
2. Make sure it’s not too late
Another lesson from the Lindsey Lohan case: don’t allow your child to go roaming in the car too late at night, as most of the accidents take place in the evening.
3. Keep track of her whereabouts
Keep an eye on your child’s friends; most of the teen car accidents happen because of young people’s tendency to be influenced by their peer group.
4. Set an example yourself
Before preaching at your child, ask yourself; are you a safe driver?
Remember, apart from drug or alcohol influence a number of accidents happen due to lack of concentration, receiving mobile phone calls, chatting with companions, not abiding by the speed limits, forgetting to fasten your seat belt and so on. Be a role model for your child by not making these fatal mistakes.
5. Teach him to be responsible
Make your child see the difference between rights and privilege; Get her accustomed to the costs of driving including the insurance costs. The sense that driving comes for a price will prevent her making mistakes that may prove costly in terms of insurance prices and maintenance of the car.
6. Teach her to take care
The driver must be aware of the basic maintenance of his car; get your child introduced to the driver’s bible, the maintenance manual of the vehicle. The earlier the boy/girl is introduced to preventive maintenance of the car, the more money can be saved during his/her lifetime of driving.
7. But what if any accident takes place after all?
Teach them not to panic in case of a breakdown or accident; give him proper instruction about whom to contact in such situations.
Driving is essentially associated with the feel of freedom. But not absolute freedom! Make this clear to your teenager before handing him the key.
Try not to worry as it will make the young driver unconfident and nervous. Follow the above mentioned tips and trust your child.
that is so lame…you parents cant hold on to your children forever…give them space…if they crash its their own fault!