One million pound price tag. Check. Incredible, insane amounts of power. Check. 7.3 litre V12. Check. Aston Martin badge. Check. I’m of course talking about the One-77 – as the new video is now available on the site!
Here’s what I got by email:
The project is moving at a real pace and in this new episode Chris Porritt, Program Manager starts to outline the cars performance, while Marek Reichman, Design Director, explains how you will be able to fine tune the cars feel and responsiveness to your own personal requirements.
The beauty of this new car is now really shining through as we also reveal the entire car, both in the video, and in a range of new high resolution photography.
We hope you enjoy this next episode, and we will continue to keep you up to speed as the project develops.
In the video, Dr Ulrich Bez and Chris Porritt among others outline exactly what will make the car special. It is the spirit of the thing apparently, it is how the DNA of the company has shaped the model and made it what it is. It is the thrill of the acceleration, the “should I be doing this” feeling that all those rampaging horses gives you.
Perhaps most importantly (for the 77 lucky owners anyway) it is how the car is a reflection of themselves. Each car will be completely bespoke, tuned even down to the firmness of the flappy-paddle gears to the preference of the driver.
This is a real car that will have real soul. It’s just a shame that so few of us will ever see one in real life, let alone drive it.
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