Have you ever had to do anything so frustrating than park in the city centre? I can’t think of many things I have to say. I’m going to have the ‘pleasure’ of doing so today. Ironically, two car parks have closed down and they’ve put roadworks right in the middle of the road. How anyone gets anywhere at a reasonable time is anyone’s guess.
Just try getting from Newcastle to Gateshead (or vice versa) in rush hour and you’ll see what I mean. Complete. Bloody. Nightmare. On the other hand, at least it makes you wake up in the mornings. I did find a new car park when I was in town last week, it’s a great location, if a ten minute walk from the city centre. However the price is okay, and it’s not normally full.
Sometimes it’s worth going a little out of the way to save the frustration of being stuck in endless lines of traffic full of drivers trying to do the same thing. Rarely do we advocate public transport on Car Articles but a good infrastructure is imperative to get into and out of the city centre.
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