The Times Online has a very interesting article which highlights a growing problem that many motorists face – increased car insurance premiums. But, what are the reasons for this? Well, once such reason examined in the article is the rise in claims of injuries suffered during crashes. Yet cars are safer than they ever have been. So what is going on? Read the article to find out more.
Read the article on rising motor insurance costs at The Times Online.
hi one of my delivery vans tupped a lady driver at some lights. there was no damage to either vehicle, but later the lady was awarded £7000. for whiplash. the same year my garage insurance went up £3000 this insanity must stop we are all suffering. eric robert
It is a tragedy that this is what society has come to this in Britain. Eric’s right, it has just become a society of madness where the first thought of anyone is ‘can I sue’ and how much can I sue for. It is making a mockery of the English Judicial System. I wonder if it is a problem elsewhere?
hi i think we copied the Americans. France has the best idea you only insure the car not the drivers, once the car is insured any person who is legal to drive, can drive that car,and unless anyone knows different you can not sue for falsified neck injuries that probably do not exist. Eric Roberts