Auto Express has a leaked image of the Aston Martin Rapide. What do you make of it? What I like is the look of the four individual bucket seats, the luxury look and the no doubt excellent interior quality.
What do I not like? Well, I’m still less than impressed at the idea of taking what should be a two seater (or a 2+2) and lengthening the body, producing what is, in effect, a stretched looking variant. Can you say Porsche Panamera? The only car that I’ve seen that has made me think this approach to design is a good idea is the Lamborghini Estoque (pronounced ee-sto-kay – not e-stock). Maybe Lamborghini could pull it off because all of their designs are completely madcap and off the wall anyway?
Bear in mind that the Estoque is only a concept car. For me, Lamborghini could have shown the other top-tier marques how to approach the idea. I see what they’re trying to do mind you, which is basically to produce a four-door variant of their most famous model. Yet this isn’t always the way and it hardly suggests a clever approach to design.
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