I’m sure that you’ll be interested to hear that I’ve made it through the first rounds of the Vauxhall racing competition, the VXR Racing Driver Of The Year 2008. Naturally, I was both surprised and happy when I got the email from Vauxhall stating that I’d made it through and my semi-final event is due to take place on September 6th at Raceland Edinburgh.
So, let’s take a look at the email I got from them:
‘You’ve got this far so you should be pretty confident, but the semi-final will be the perfect opportunity for you to show us your driving skills and prove that you’ve got what it takes to be our VXR Racing Driver of the Year 2008. Racing round a track with a bunch of fantastic drivers will be a lot of fun too!
Please be advised that VXR PR company – RSM, may be in touch with you to ask you some questions about the competition and possibly involve you in some publicity.
So – in preparation for the day, please have a look through our frequently asked questions below:
Can I wear my own suit/helmet/boots?
You are not permitted to wear you own suits or helmets unfortunately, due to filming regulations. These items will be provided. You are able to wear your own boots.
How long will it last?
This depends on how well you do! If you are first to race in your session and you get through to the Grand Prix you will be at the circuit approx 3 hours. This is the maximum time you will need to be at the circuit.
What documentation do I need to bring?
Passport and both parts of a driving licence should be submitted by each semi-finalist on the day.
Can I bring a friend to spectate?
Yes, friends and family will be welcome to cheer you on.
Can my spectators compete?
Only if they have registered and are lucky enough to get through to the semi-finals.
Can I change venue?
We will do our best to accommodate venue changes however this will be dependent on venue numbers.’
Frankly, I’m surprised that there wasn’t more information included, but then I’m sure that they’ll send out a pack or further information closer to the time. Am I excited? You bet. Due to ongoing concerns I wanted to arrive dressed like The Stig (to remain suitably anonymous) but unfortunately that’s not to be the case as outlined above.
So, if you have made it through as I have and you’re off to Raceland Edinburgh on 6th September, then do watch out for me. I’ll be somewhat akin to James May – going quite slowly and possibly at the back, muttering about how racing is good fun but better enjoyed at a more leisurely pace! On a more serious note, I’m getting geared up for it now. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to drive the track beforehand (putting me at a serious technical disadvantage) but it’s simply too far away.
My preparation for the race includes:
* Ensuring I am fit, healthy and well for the race by getting regular exercise
* Driving challenging routes in my own car
* Using the local go-kart centre
* Reading tips such as this one for reference
* Making sure that I know where the track is and my car is prepped for the (reasonably long) journey up North
Naturally, I will keep you all updated and post any questions that I have – perhaps we have a budding (or in fact actual) racing driver who is a regular at www.cararticles.co.uk? If anyone reading has previously entered the VXR competition I’d love to hear from them too.
Nice one Mr B – well done on getting this far. Hope it goes well on the day!!
Thanks mate, me too. I’m considering driving the track a few times beforehand, so I’ll give an update on what Raceland is like when I’ve ventured north as it were.
I’ll be at the Manchester Semi-Final on September 13th. So guess I’ll see you in the finals then!? …errr hopefully! (well getting this far was easy!!!)
David, best of luck to you. If you get through, make sure to let us at Car Articles know first! I’m not hoping for much but as long as I’m not last then I’ll be happy!
i’ll be up north to chase you boys and girls about,good luck to you all
i made it through last year, its a hell of an experiance, ive made it through this year aswell i cant wait. ill be at raceland on the 6th. goodluck
Good luck to you all!
Jonny – any chance of telling us a bit more about your experience from last year?
Jonny, Quit, I can’t wait to see you boys out there. In case I don’t get through to the round after this one (and you do), I want exclusive interviews from both of you!
is raceland indoor or out? butterscotch ull be the first person i contact when i win mate …….!!!!!!!lol
Sounds good Quint, find me there! As for location, well Raceland offers indoor and outdoor but the course we’re racing on the day will be the outdoor one, I have been reliably informed. That means the 70mph twin-engine scary as hell carts.
don’t really know what’s your source but according to organisers themselves its going to be indoor track (and all other semi-finals are indoor this year as well).
At least thats what I was told few weeks back when I contacted them via email.
I’m also through so I’ll just see you on the 6th.
Thanks for the post Mac. I’ll certainly follow this up. In light of the bad weather I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we’re indoors. The karts are the far less scary 40mph variants in there aren’t they?
ouch haven’t tried the outdoor one but I’ve been to indoor track and it is quite claustrophobic if you know what I mean, at one point you’re going flat out on the turn and on the exit if you catch the wall on the outside you most likely are going to miss next turn and end up in the wall on the other side of the track 😉
But i like it for that reason really, sense of speed is much much better.
And to be honest I don’t imagine you could be driving anything quicker in there.
hard to overtake cleanly indoor karting lets hope it dosent turn into the dodgems
Well, everyone should have had instructions that it isn’t a race between each of us – and I’m sure they have the sin bin warmed up for would be dodgem racers!
what about the 48 drivers that make it through qualifying,i just hope they police it right as there will be drivers who really want to win ,not to be pushed off the first bend,no what im saying my old muker….
im really looking forward to it ,have you been round raceland indoor before,my session is at 13.30 ,plenty of rubber down,come on…………!!!!
i’m glad mine is around 7pm, dont remember exactly.
Quint what sort of lap times were you doing there? I was there today and with some traffic on the track managed to get 21.45 which I seriously think I’m not able to knock anything off anymore… maybe with more laps and seriously, clean track I could get into low 21’s but with my weight and skills I see no means of going into 20’s….
Oh and if you have a good driver in front of you overtaking there is plain impossible… really better to back off and get some clean air….
Some good advice there from Mac.
Quint, it sounds as though you’re on the course at the same time as me, so it’s a Car Articles race at 13.30!!
race on butter,mac iv never raced there but im sure the lucky few will dip mid 20s,and im feeling lucky………..7pm sounds a late time to kick off mate remember they need to have 2 drivers at the end of day ,thats along wait for any one tha qualify `say from a 130pm heat…………….
its 3 drivers that go through….
good good ,1 more chance to make it through,lol how much do you weigh mate?is it a high grip track or not
thats my problem really, i’m 6.3 and 92kg’s so I fit to the cart just…. but if some skinny 20years old comes along I’m afraid he may be quicker only because of the difference in weight….
track is fairly grippy except one corner but you’ll find it for yourself 😉
Quint, the winners of this round are announced at a later date – so if we get through on the 13.00 session we don’t have to wait around. Just lay down a good time and you should be alright.
Use the first couple of laps as ‘sighting’ for the track, get a feel for where you can push it. Find out where that ‘one corner’ Mac is talking about is. Then go for it!
thanks for the sound advice mate,the post code for raceland on the satnav will not work any ideas?
Hi Quint,
Try getting Tranent on your GPS. It’s the town that Raceland’s in, there should be signs once you get there. If you’re still stuck, drop me another line.
got a pass today – looks so cool – look forward to yours in mail in a next few days!
nice atention to detail,i like it,cant wait for mine to come through now,just got back from some testing at my local track,niiiiiceeeeeeeeeeeee…….
Yep, I have my pass as well. It seems that on the day, after your heat there’s a GP. I assume whoever has the fastest GP times then goes through to the final. Anyone know whether you race actual cars in the final? The literature seems to suggest that karts are for ‘this round only’?
there are 3 gps on a day, winner of each goes through to the bootcamp where you i would imagine switch to racing in bigger stuff then karts but not only cars… i guess no point knowing unless we’re through which I’m certainly planning to do!
ok boys here gose………im not going to be there to race you boys im sadend to say,ill explain why….ive been involved in karting since i was 14 im now 30 iv always worked at an indoor track pregresing to outdoor in o4,i since left the karting scene in augaust 06 im now a scaffolder,trouble is being involed for such a long time i was unfortuntley invited to do a one off race at a track called rowrah it was a 4 stroke kart with only 8 other drivers on the track,i even had to start off back of grid as i was classed as a novice ,however i had to get my self an msa licence to take part,that was the only time i used the licence.!!
when i was told id won a place in the semi final, wich was done by a phone call,id told the agent on the phone and she said it would be fine,so i got all excited ,gave up smokeing and even started back at the gym,however something inside me kept saying ring again,so yesturday i did and was told the sad news id be disqualifyed if i turned up and raced,so there for my buble and dream has been burst and i bid you both the best of luck and please for my sake have a constant smile on your face i would have……..
regards Quint
shame :/
Hi guys, i saw you talking about a pass? I havent recieved one of these, I think it is because i have moved house. Do you need one?
Hi Tim,
I’d recommend that you speak directly to the guys behind the VXR competition on that one. You may well need it on the day (as well as your license, both parts).
thanks, I have been talking to them via the vxr-support email as I had to change venue, but they only seem to be able to reply on thursdays… thats 3 emails in 3 weeks now 🙂
do you know of any other ways to contact them? A phone number would be a lot quicker…
Quint, I am gutted that you can’t make it mate. Nonetheless, I will be there to represent. I did actually have a dream that I won, but I still probably won’t ha ha.
Hi Tim,
I can’t give you the press contacts that I have unfortunately, but here’s the number for Vauxhall (they should be able to give you a contact number for the VXR competition):
01582 721122
HI, I’m also through thru to the edinburgh semi’s, I went down for a practice and was told that the event will be held on the indoor circuit. I posted a 21.38 and was told the fastest lap that has ever been set there was a 20.99 and that was by the machanic at the circuit who has also been scottish karting champion. so chances of a mid 20 time might be slim. I think its likely to be extremely close with people in the low to mid 21s.
All the best for everyone whos heading to edinburgh.
not entirely correct though.
fastest lap time was 20.38s. As I said earlier best laptime I had was 21.45 but I’m hoping to improve it a little. I wonder how long we’ll have around the track to set best time.
What time your on Gareth?
I’ve not been given a specific time as yet, just been sent information and my id pass saying registration at 1.15 to 1.45 and timed session between 2.30 and 3.45 with the grand pirx session between 4 and 4.30 depending on whether the timed session runs on time.
What about you mac?
evening session… after 17.30
hello boys,gutted got my pass its mint,and also had a phone call from vxr to make sure i was going,how to rub my nose in it,lol iv got a number you can contact vxr on 01908635300,buter if you need any advice or help with any indoor karting let me know mate,as i say iv worked at indoor tracks for a lot of years,bet ya all proper getting excited…………..
Hi guys,
Well, good luck to everyone. Tragically, much like Quint, I am now out of the race. I had emergency surgery a couple of days ago, the result being that I’m not allowed to race, drive or do almost anything else (such as standing out in the rain or walking very far). Frankly, it sucks and comes at the worst time ever. I simply can’t believe it. As such, I probably won’t get many posts up on the site for this week, but I should be able to next week. Hope you all do well and if I can get a story out of any of you on how the day went then I’d appreciate it.
Mr B
mate i hope you recover quickley,tomorow would have been the big day,im licking my wounds as i type,defo beleve i had a chance to excell…… butter im looking for other scollarships that will let me take part if i here of anything ill b sure to let you know,goodluck to you all tomorrow,may the best man or women win,keep ya chin up butter.
Thanks Quint, will do mate. Best of luck to the rest of you.
well I didn’t make it to the top 8 of my slot…
with 22.34 it was not enough, you had to be in 21.50s to be on top there.
thing is though maybe I wasn’t good enough to be quick enough to make it to the top 8 of the session but I have my own theory that karts were pretty much very inconsistent for each 8 going out as you could see times dropping after each 8… Simply because raceland guys fuelled them between each session to the max there’s no way anyone going out in first 8 could make good lap time… but thats just my idea… but when i was leaving after 5 or 6 heats no one from 16.30 or 16.45 groups were it top8… all the guys from 17.00 and 17.15 were there and board hasn’t been updated with laptimes of later heats….
so i think it was a bit unfair to the guys that came in earlier to register (and effectively got earlier slot in their session) because their karts were heavier… it may sound stupid but if you’d loose 0.3 sec of the lap time because of fuel thats what could put you in the final 8…
anyway, maybe next year 😉
Well having been on the Vauxhall Diet! for 3 weeks before my race! I managed to drop enough weight to weigh in at 13 stones on the day! (lost 9lbs just cutting out a bag of crisps and a chocolate bar each day!)
Not expecting to will (against all the nine/ten stone weaklings) I just wanted to set my own personal best time on the Daytona Track at the Manchester event.
I didn’t play on attending the track before the event, but when the Tesco Clubcard Vouchers arrived, I noticed Daytona had been added, so i cashed in what vouchers I had and went for some practice!
I managed 26.01s on the day, which i was more than happy with, but qualifying times were all under 25.5 for first GP race.
The kart tyres were cold for the first two groups to go out on the track, but me and another of the larger drivers were kept to one side, and got hot carts from the first karts back in (warm tyres and less fuel) Nice!
When we came off the track, you could see from the results, myself and the other large driver, set our fast lap time early on all the other drivers got faster as they went along and most were setting their fastest lap time towards the end of the 10 minutes on track, a few low 25’s.
The following races saw fastest times dropping with each race 25’s and below! Anyway I saw my name on the leader board for a (short) while, and it was great while it lasted!
Good luck to all the little guys that made it through! (even the video of last years winner, looked like he was only 10stone max!)
Anyway I enjoyed it so much i’m staying on the diet!
Hi David,
It sounds like you had a pretty good time there mate, the event sounds really exciting. However, it certainly highlights the extreme limitations that you have when racing karts – namely if you’re of more than small-average size then you can be at a disadvantage. Stock car racing in old Vectras is the way Vauxhall should go!
This is a cool site and it tells you everything you need to know about cars,it also tells you whats happening and its GREAT !!!!
Thanks for the feedback seand, and welcome to Car Articles!
Having seen what effect losing a bit of weight had on my track times, I have stayed on the Vauxhall diet ever since the race!
That lack of chocolate, crisps, cakes and biscuits has seen my weight drop further,(don’t worry I’m not starving myself, as I am still eating at least 4 meals a day, I’m just snacking more on fruit now rather than the above.)
I am now weighing in at under 11 and a half stone, so although I have not yet been back since, I know I could easily pull in quicker times, as I would now have the improved accerelation I needed previously!
I would also be able to corner that bit quicker as my reduced weight ,would bring the combined carts/my centre of gravity that bit lower, and I would be less likely to lose grip with less weight to keep under control.
I have lost the weight for myself, rather than for any future races, but if they do the comp again, I will enter, and hope to make it to the track! If not, it does not matter, as I was just in it for the fun, and when I get to around 11 stone, I plan on maybe just going along to Daytona Manchester and checking out what sort of lap times I can now do anyway.
Any reduction in my lap times will prove it’s all been worth it. If my lap times have got slower I’ll just blame the karts as always!!! Hee hee!!!
Congratulations on making it through the first rounds of the Vauxhall racing competition do you still do this ? and is it a hobby or are you sponsored ?