Well, the new year is upon us. As is tradition, you may well have set some new year resolutions. Here are some you should consider from a motoring point of view:
1. I will maintain my vehicle
Many of us just quietly cruise the year by, paying no attention to things like oil, water tyre pressures and so on. Don’t be one of the many. Keep up your vehicle maintenance and you will have much less trouble from your motor. Think of it this way – your car will thank you for it and statistically is far less likely to malfunction/suffer excessive wear.
2. I will become a better driver
We all get complacent and can at times let our driving skills slip. Make 2012 a year to remember by boosting your skills either through a local driving school, the Institute of Advanced Motorists or another accredited organisation. If we were all better drivers we’d all be that much more safe on the road.
3. I will lower my motoring costs
This is one we really all can benefit from. No-one wants excessive motoring costs and why should we face over the top charges? So, use price comparison sites for insurance, shop around if your motor needs work done and see what benefits you get from your bank account – it may even come with free breakdown cover you’d forgotten about!
4. I will take regular motorway breaks
Motorways are some of the safest roads in Britain. However, when accidents do take place they can be horrific. No-one wants to be in an accident, so please take regular breaks if you’re taking an extended journey. A simple coffee and a sit down can be enough to charge your batteries and ensure you have concentration to continue on safely.
5. I will not use my mobile phone behind the wheel
It still amazes me that people use their mobile phones behind the wheel. It is proven that this is not only distracting for the driver but it can come with lethal consequences for other road users. Don’t risk points on your license, a fine or a visit to court. If your phone bleeps or rings, find a safe, legal, considerate place to pull over and stop the engine. Then pick up the phone. Alternatively, finish the journey, I’m sure it can wait!
Thanks very nice blog!