The Mail Online has a followup article concerning the shut-down of speed cameras due to the need for the coalition to save money in as many ways as they can, in order to reduce the national debt. The question of course remains exactly how this will impact on road safety – one can only hope that the figures are going to be monitored carefully and the same type of recording is used – then we will know definitively whether speed cameras reduce the accident rate at certain sites.
Read the article at The Mail Online about speed cameras being switched off in Oxfordshire here.
pete leyden says
August 12, 2010 at 4:04 pmWell it will be interesting to see if the number of accidents increase in Oxford following the switching off of the camera’s. It has been reported there are people who are already speeding in these areas safe in the knowledge they won’t get penalised. I have no real problems with camera’s if they are positioned in sensible areas and are highely visible. After all speed is often quoted as being attributed to accidents and if a camera slows someone down around a school or crossing point then I believe this is a good thing.
Is this really down to cost or is the new government trying to appease the motoring public before the new austerity measures really begin to bite? With the predicted rises in fuel that are on the way due to the rising oil prices and increasing VAT you won’t need to have cameras to catch speeding cars,. no one will be afford to drive a car!