BBC News is reporting that the government is mulling a new way to bring down the high number of young driver and passenger fatalities on the roads – by introducing a ban on carrying passengers. What this may mean in reality is that young, newly qualified drivers may only be allowed to carry their family. What do you make of this idea?
For me, it is a consideration that is perhaps worth making, but it also stands against the thing that a car represents – freedom. I much prefer the idea of a graduated license with further compulsory training for new drivers, whether they are young or old. A Pass Plus course or a blended mix of the Institute of Advanced Motorists style courses would be of the greatest benefit to prepare drivers for the unexpected.
There is a continuing pressure on the government to reduce the number of road traffic related injuries and deaths. Is a blunt tool such as a passenger ban the way to go about it? For me, it seems a little draconian when many young drivers are sensible and law abiding. Perhaps a greater deterrent would be more severe punishments for those who put the lives of others are risk on our roads?
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