The Mail Online is reporting that petrol prices may be rising to record levels soon – which will obviously have a massive knock-on effect for motorists who visit the pumps on a weekly basis. I filled up a little earlier in the week and paid just under 120p per litre – a staggering amount which was even more demoralising when you watch the cost go much quicker than the litres put in the car.
The apparent rise in prices is being blamed on a ‘perfect storm’ of fuel duty, higher oil prices and a weak pound. Does this mean the end of the performance car as we know it? Will more of us take up public transport or would we rather scrimp in other areas to pay for the fuel we use? Will more of us take to two wheels or will we go the way of the Prius and attempt to find more economical vehicles?
Soon! We’ve already got them I’ve paid over £1.20 twice now. I just wish Brown was able to do something vaguely useful with all the money he screws out of us.
With the shameful state of the NHS (read money from taxes ending up in MPs pockets not hospital budgets) I wouldn’t suggest that a move to two wheels is a great move for most people!
I’m not a political person but it frustrates me that it seems harder to find a camel in London than an honest man in Parliament.
Now, I understand why many Russians still love Stalin – anyone who purged us of a few bankers and MPs would have great support right now; disagree? I don’t know a single person in Britain who wouldn’t be able to list 10 politicians that they wouldn’t be happy to see sent to do hard labour for 10 years in Siberia… or hard work anywhere for that matter.
Having got that off my chest – it feels better, thank you – I’ll go back to not being political 🙂