After our recent review of the Mio Navman Spirit S500. We are delighted that Mio have offered a brand new unit as a competition prize here on
To be in with a chance of winning you just need to leave a comment below this post to let us know what journey you would make with the Mio Navman Spirit S500. It could be a journey that often gets you lost or perhaps it’s a journey to a place with special memories that you haven’t been for a while. Maybe it’s a drive where you love the scenery or perhaps you want to visit family you haven’t seen for a while.
If you leave a comment and also have a twitter account then send out a tweet too and we’ll give you a second entry into the competition.
Update– it makes it easier for us if you leave your twitter username in your comment too, thanks ๐
Closing Date is 31/03/10 and the winner will be chosen at random and then contacted via the email address left with your comment. Open to UK residents. One entry per household/IP address.
p.s. you do not win my iphone which is also in the picture above! ๐
We’ve submitted this competition to the following sites
The Prize Finder – UK Competitions
UK Competitions
Loquax Competitions
would pluck the courage up to visit my family in the depths of Cornwall!!! so many lanes……… so many wrong turns!!!!
For me it would have to be for the drive to Lake Garda this summer. We’re towing a couple of boats down and only have two days for the drive, so it would be a really bad route to get lost on!
I would take a journey back to Great Ormond Street Hospital to say thanks to the doctors and nurses who saved my daughter Tiana’s life 3 times in 2008 after she was born with 2 heart defects ๐
I get lost in my home town! well it is milton keynes, of the many roundabouts… I would use it on every journey, but my trickest is to Kingston Cemetery in London to ‘visit’ the grandparents..
I would like to take a long driving journey to any of the seaside towns, in EAST SCOTLAND, that part of Scotland always fascinated me as its very historical and especially as I am hoping to be a mum in the future, i would love to experience a day at the seaside and maybe take the kids one day!
also will tweet the competition aswell!
regards HEATHER
I believe Satellite Navigation systems were invented for people like myself who get lost driving to the local Post Office! Therefore I would take a trip to visit my lovely Great Grandmother who lives on the other side of the city I live in (I have been too afraid to drive there thus far but constantly feel guilty about not visiting her!!)
If I won I would use the Mio Navman to tour around the west highlands of Scotland this summer. The scenery is absolutely stunning but there’s so many places I haven’t seen. I would definitely need the satnav as my sense of direction is awful and I get easily lost on unfamiliar country roads. I’m sure it would also help us to discover some lovely places off the beaten track.
I would put my trust in the Mio Navman Spirit to take me to Birmingham (Through the spaghetti junction *gulps, quivers!*) Instead of being a baby and taking the train! yeah:-)
Twitter name: wolvo5
if i won ,i would take my grandchildren to chester zoo ๐
I would put it to good use on my forth-coming return visit to Newquay after 14 years . . . . and do lots of exploring around Cornwall’s towns and villages as hubby and I celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary.
The first holiday that I went on with friends rather than family was great fun and was a very long time ago!
We went to the lake district and much time was spent pushing an old Allegro – pushing it when it broke down; pushing it when the driver forgot it needed petrol to keep it going – fortunately I was fitter in those days…
Which leads me to the perfect journey with a state of the art Mio Navman Spirit S500. Leaving London at lunchtime on Friday – Spirited out of London avoiding the worst of the jams, I’d head back to Ambleside to the warm welcome, and a few pints of Old Peculiar, at The Drunken Duck.
Having slept soundly – the combination of a comfy bed and OP is extremely soporific! – on Saturday morning I’d head off to explore the hills; safe in the knowledge (S500 safe in pocket) that I wouldn’t get as horribly lost as I did all those years ago…
Its not so much the getting there, Im a bit like a magpie when I drive I see something sparkly and off I go so in my case I would have to use it on the journey to get me home.
Twitter name: kimnhol
No problem getting there following a map. What I can’t do is reverse the directions to get home. So this would see me safely home.
would go bk to Bournemouth where I went to College and do a cruise of the area:)
@kikicomp have rt
I’d drive down to Morecambe with my 6 year old cousin and the dog so I could let them run and play in the sand dunes like I used to as a child.
I have also retweeted on Twitter (popple79)
I would take my grandchildren to London to go on the London Eye.
I’d like to travel all the way across country to Wales, and then head up in to the mountains…
RT on twitter: organicbadger
There are so many trips I put off or take the train instead so I would fulfill my promise (after 6 years of making said promise) to visit my friend in central Edinburgh. I don’t know who would be more surprised and thankful!
RTed: natscomps
I would go and visit friends in London who I haven’t seen for ages…
I would go to my friend’s wedding in Scotland – I’m dreading the drive at the moment!
tweeted as well – kelliec3
I’d visit every racing track in the UK!
I’d brave a trip to the depths of Birmingham to visit some of my childhood haunts.
Tweet @kevinwj
I have no sense of direction, useless at map reading.
I would use this sat nav all the time, well nearly all the time, I do know my way to the supermarket and back.
I have a few places I would like to go and see one is the house where I was born, only about 50 miles away.
RT on twitter @sherieannb
I think I would use it to just get to the other side of Watford…..damn one-way system!
Tweeted as @Delilah64
That’s perfect,last time my husband drove me threw to my aunts that’s edinburgh to Glasgow,we never had a sat nav so it took 2 & 1/2 hours to get there,it was aufull,you could be the answer to my & aunts prayers,thanks for this oppertunity
i would take off round the world if i could and finish of on route 66
I’d drive in any area I didn’t know well – which I very rarely do!
If I were lucky enough to win, I would use this to take my two children to legoland – ๐
@jenniwren12 on twitter and heres my tweet ๐
I’d use it to drive up to the highlands of Scotland (never been that far North) up to Fort William etc & it would shut my husband up with all the ‘women are crap at reading maps’ jibes..despite the point that I AM crap at reading Sat Nav takes care of it all seamlessly xxx
I often need to visit several different places in one day, and this would help to plan my route in the most efficient way so I wouldn’t waste any fuel. And that would be good for my wallet AND the planet
I would let my daughter drive us to Paris and onto the Champs Elysses (nightmare road) and onto a boat trip on the River Seine.
Tweeted also.
We could tour unexplored places in our campervan.
Tweeted too ! daisyduck123
Down to the Nurburgring for me. I’m sure I can manage to get round a loop by myself though!
i would go anywhere as long as i was on my own never get a mins peace lol music pumping,sat nav shouting and me happy as larry
Round the Lakes in the lake district, live near but never been round them
I would take a trip from here in darkest Devon up to the heart of the Cotswolds to see an old friend who I have only just discovered after drifting apart some 25 years ago.
I’d use it to visit family in Northumberland. Scary journey on my own!
Tweeted Gill257
I would travel from John o Groats all the way to Land’s End, and not get lost once! (For a change) ๐
I would make the long trek to see my sister in Orkney, I would love to go and see her but as I live in the west country and dont have a sat nav, im not overly confident I would get there!
I am a night district nurse with quite a poor sense of direction. I would use it to get to my patients without having to rely on my long suffering colleagues!
twitter: @jellie75
Ever tried driving from South Wales to North Wales with only an atlas? Every time you have to go North, you can never find the right page.
I would take a tour of Scotland as it always seems so beautiful in pictures especially Loch Lomand . Would it also help me locate the loch Ness Monster? …. now that would be a sat nav device too far!
RT @ lottiegirlx
I’d drive up from Cornwall where I live to Scotland where I was born – almost Land’s End to John O’ Groats. Think I need a satnav for that one!
I would use the Mio Navman Spirit S500 to tackle driving through London. The last time I attempted it, we got lost, argued alot and ended up going into the congestion zone by acccident and incurring a fine. I would not even attempt this journey again without one as I need a stress free life.
I am going from Norfolk to Minehead, Butlins and Longleat Centre Parcs in August. I need help as cannot read maps and going with noisy 5 year old in car. Please let me win this.
Back to the Eden project, we love it there!
I would love to go to Scotland but would never be able to get there without getting lost…..that is of course unless I win this competition!
It would be really nice to press and go.
We would love a more up to date gps.
I have to act as a parental taxi and take 2 teens to Derbyshire for a survival weekend in the woods. With the Sat Nav I’d have no excuse for not going back to collect them.
I would use it so I did nt get lost on my way to see customers as my employer is to tight to buy me one.
My husband and I would love to visit more places here all over England, Scotland and Wales avoiding traffic jams in and around large towns – and this super prize would help us to achieve this without getting lost!
VictoriaPlum953 on Twitter – I have tweeted
From Kettering to Oban – taking my son to Iona to see where we scattered his grannie’s ashes. She would have been 100 this year.
I would take a long leisurely trip around France.
the sat nav i have keeps sending me the wrong way when i know the route (i do it to catch it out!) so i know that when i use it ‘blind’, it must take me ages out of my way!
I would drive around Wales,looking at old churches. Me and my boyfriend always get lost on the way.
I would use it to visit my sister in Australia, well to navigate me to Manchester Airport.
I would use it to drive around the centre of London, I would love to drive round the sights but would be too scared on my own!
Driving to Milton Keynes shopping centre without stopping twice and asking directions – so many roundabouts and signs!!!!!!
Driving down the Skeleton Coast to the Naukluft in Namibia, Southern Africa. Desolate, barren and clear empty roads.
I would use it to find my way to Bletchley Park, “Britain’s Best Kept Secret”. I only live a couple of miles away – but I always have problems finding it!!!
I would love this as im a lady on her own and have to travel to France a couple of times a year and this would make my journey alot nicer so please put me in the draw thanks
I would take the plunge and have a go at driving into the centre of London!
I would drive to Minehead. I love it there…I drive there all the time but i would enjoy it better with this satnav!
I would try it out on a long journey from John o Groats to Lands end
I would like to go to Scotland to see my grandaughter for the first time. The Mio Navman spirit S500 would be the tool that would get me to my destination stress free.
What more could anyone want..
Brilliant prize – I would use it to drive to a rural spot in the coutryside away from the stresses of ‘broken Britain’!
I’d use it to follow the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ of course, in order to catch up with Dorothy and the Tin Man.
Would be great to take special NEW journeys, explore what this country that i’ve lived in all my life has to offer. Problem is that I have NO sense of direction so this would enable me to go on more scenic routes!
twitter: @lynnewoodmusic
mmmm I went from Camberley, heading for Aldershot and ended up in Rygate!!! so I think I am desperate for one, don’t you?
It would be a drive from the South West to Birmingham to see our best friends. Trouble is, it encounters Spaghetti Junction which sends rivulets of sweat pouring down my face every time I face the demon!
A good satnav that can direct me to places; such as Ikea to Longleat, without directing me down a one way street and telling me to turn left when it is obviously right! Less stress family outings! A must for any teenage parents with interesting directions to new friends houses, in the middle of the countryside in pitch black.
I would go on a scenic country drive and picnic with my bf, would feel in safe hands just roaming with a Mio Navman Spirit S500!
The Mio Navman Spirit S500 would help me travel up and down the country to the 101 Vintage Fairs I attend and spread my love of fashion and style!!! xx
I would use it to drive from Scotland down to Naples Italy. I have always wanted to drive through Europe and here’s hoping I dont end up in Staples round the corner instead!
Nothing too adventurous, a visit to my Aunty and cousins outside Edinburgh.
It would be interesting to see if it can finally teach me left from right after 25 years of driving in the wrong direction!
As a cockney boy in his mid 60s living in Worcester. I would travel back to all the old streets of East London where I grew up. I tried it once & got so frustrated I was crying. Memories I would seek of ragged A***** little beggars enjoying themselves playing in the streets & on the many bomb sites. My boyhood pets graves will be untraceable other then in my mind. I’ll shed a tear again for little peg & old bob. I will look for the lamppost I fell from & broke my arm, the memories even now are overlapping in my minds eye. Even if I dont win, what a marvellous afternoon I have just had. thanks.
Help I’m lost ! Please send Mio Navman Spirit S500 asap!
I may never be seen again!
gimmy gimmy gimmy
I would take use my satnav to take me to see me friend and Goddaughters in Cradley Heath Midlands, it can be hard to get to but with Mio Navman Spirit 500 I could relax and enjoy the journey. x
My twitter user name is Beary78
I would finally be able to drive across to France and down to the south to cross the magnificent Millau Viaduct, set SatNav so that I could venture below and beyond the viaduct to take photographs and return home via visits to three sets of friends with homes in ‘out of the way’ places in France. WOW.
Would love to drive from the UK to deepest Southern Germany to a magical town called Rothenburg.
My wife and I discovered this whilst on our first anniversary trip by accident and it was simply magical.
It took us off the beaten track and we would love to re-discover the place.
Never again have to admit defeat and stop to ASK for directions!!!
I can not imagine all the places I will now visit on purpose!!!!
I would go cross country to Nottingham avoiding the chaotic M5/M42 around Birmingham
i would be able to find obscure places to do with my job without getting so paranoid in traffic looking for them
I would use it to get from A to B and not driving round aimlessly wasting petrol trying to pick up road signs for where I want to go.
I would like to drive up one coast to scotland and back down the other coast to my home in bristol.The motorways are so boring and mundane and it would be nice not getting stressed with an out of date atlas.
i would go to the scottish highlands really test this baby out!!
We holiday in Swanage, Dorset and always get lost going through Bournemouth to the chain ferry. So it would be nice to make this journey without all the detours and turn arounds!!
if i won i would use it to take all my ex boyfriends junk he left in my flat round to his new girlfriends house and dump it on his lawn .
I would give it to my husband so that for once in his life we can visit the grandchild without getting lost!!
Mio Navman will guide me through the jungle ‘cos Mio Jane, and I’m always getting lost!
my navigation is awful so i could venture our further afield finally if i won
am off to newquay in may,been the same place 6 times and still get lost,sat nav would probably be a good idea
I’ve brave the pleasures of Coventry’s ring road system and visit my Mum at long last!!
I’d go on a full-on road trip through the Australian bush, I didn’t get enough of it last time I was there.
I’d set the co-ordinates to take me to Random, that’s the place at which the winner’s going to be picked!
I would be able to go on an adventure in Scotland, without worrying about getting lost!
Would love to win this, we went to camelot theme park last year and OH ended up getting us lost, we must have drove halfway round the country. I want to go to Alton Tower this year but don’t fancy another “detour” so this would come in handy
I would go back to where I first met my wife, The Five Lakes Hotel in the wilds of Essex!! A place where many a good traveller has been lost! Such fantastic memories 14 years later still as clear as day
I need this when I visit my parents and have to drive through the ever changing road system in Mansfield.
A few years ago we decided to take the children to a lighthouse which was open to the public at weekends. Needless to say we just could not find it. You would think that a lighthouse being rather tall and near the sea would not be that difficult to find but it was. We drove along the coast road exploring every turn off and eventually had to give up much to the childrens’ disappointment. If I won this prize we would make a return trip and this time we would find it!
I think from the most northerly point of the mainland (John O’Groats) to the most southerly (Lizard) via the most westerly (Ardamurchan Point), most easterly (Peterhead), and centre (Dunsop Bridge) would make for a great way to try out this sat nav.
I would love to win one of these so that I could travel without having to keep my eyes on the map instead of at the scenery (I am not the driver always you know!).
I’d use it to guide me through the fiendishly fiendish Magic Roundabout in Swindon – I’ve driven miles out of my way and got lost as a result rather than try to drive through it.
i would drive to london to where i was born and spent the first 2 years of my life
I would use the sat nav when touring North Wales. The scenery is spectacular, and with the help of the sat nav, would discover places new to me.
Twitter @libra10001
I’d use the sat nav as an excuse to take a road trip around Britain, safe in the knowledge hat I wouldn’t get lost…
Twitter @sportingnut
It may be the high road it may be the low road but a sat nav would be the ideal partner as I revisit summer holidays from my teens in the highlands of Scotland
I’d use it to navigate my way through London, always takes me hours to find anywhere even although I’m usually just round the corner!
@psychicsheep on twitter
I’d love to have the Mio Navman Spirit S500 assistance to get me into the city of Manchester. I only drive in about once a year and eveytime I either end up driving in a bus lane or going down a oneway street and I just get in a flap and confused. Definately need some help!
Tweeted by cathaylass
I would drive to London the sat nav would be my new best friend.I am also worried about getting lost
this would be heaven sent for me, i get lost so easily, my children often have to direct me! this would enable me to make longer journeys on my own while my boys are at school, would make christmas shopping easier and far more exciting for my sons as i’d be able to go further and access far better shopping towns and cities than where i live
sorry twitter name is @melspur
The journey I would like to make with a sat nav is to London to visit my mother,myself & my partner drive from Edinburgh to London once a month & we have never got there once without going the wrong way.thanks for this opppertunity.i’v RT also hi I’m @katiemack12
I’d plan a journey from one end of the country to the other visiting all the friends I haven’t seen for years. I’d normally worry about getting lost but I’d be fine with this prize!
i would travel up to scarborough to cheer up my friend not been there since finishing uni
I would use the sat nave to go and viist my new found friend Tracey Rollings, who I’ve meet through twitter.
She lives in the midlans, so I’m pretty sure I’d get lost on
route without it.
I’m useless with usual book maps, so this would help me
get to hers and her family and meet them in the flesh.
That would be fab!!
I would like to directions to pop into Heaven and ask about whether I could help with some of the problems we people on earth have to solve! Then directions to get back home as I have several things to do here.
My journey would take me to London, 1. because I have never been, 2. because my sister moved there 8 months ago so I have’nt seen her for a while and 3. to take in the sights and to do some serious shopping.
My OH always calls me his sat nav, I would so like a real one though. He keeps asking me to change my voice or avoid motor ways! There is only one button that works on me and it has nothing to do with changing destinations!
Have tweeted! would love to get around to places I dont know.
For me winning this would go some way to repair the hurt our family has felt after having a number of articles stolen from our car whilst taking our son to the clinic. I’m also@Tripa14
twitter @ma6jrp
I would like to travel the west coast of USA
I’d use the satnav to get me to visit my boyfriend up in Edinburgh – at the moment I have to rely on the train or him coming here and it would be fabulous to just get in my little car and surprise him!
What a great prize for whoever wins, someone is going to be very happy indeed ๐
Can’t tweet I’m afraid as I don’t have a Twitter account as yet, guess it’s time to start one up!
somewhere nice…
would love to win !:)
My trip would be to Tenby in Wales to relive my childhood holidays โ but this time to take MY children with me!!! The sun (!), sand, ice-creams and fish and chips on the beach! Those were the days!!!
Twitter: @yummymumto2
I would use the Mio Navman to tour West Wales and revisit some fantastic remote surfing beaches.
Well having just taken a wrong turn 6 times picking my daughter up from university last week a Mio Navman Spirit S500 would be my saviour for when i have to take her back after Easter. I would miss the scenic route and the lovely country pubs i discovered on the way but it would be nice to get there in a little less time!
I have retweeted you. :o)
i would just put in random postcodes and numbers route them and follow the instructions to see where i end up lol that would be cool and very eye opening i rekon
I would use the Mio to travel all of Europe. It would sit happily in my Corolla as we tour the diversity of Northern Europe before head to the southern regions of Europe look for some sun. A trip that would have everything, without the MIO though I’d get lost and probably even drive on the wrong side of the road!
I would try to find some of my old schoolfriends scaterred around the country and set off to visit them
Wow – I could pretend I’m using an i-phone it looks so similar, wonder how many friends I would fool, until it actually starts telling me where to go! I’ve lost count of how many people have suggested I obtain a SATNAV. I’m thinking how much petrol and time I would save by going the right way, every time! I would finally be able to visit my eldest son in Harlesdon, nagivating the North Circular with ease (at last!) and without making him ‘bus it’ all round the houses to Brent Cross , because I’m too scared of getting lost in London! Please put me out of my traffic misery – that’s the Spirit!
Doing the trek down to Italy this summer with the extended family – CONVOY! So many many foreign roads to get lost on!
The country could come nearer to its reduced emission targets if we didn’t get lost so much and could go straight to our destination
I think I’d love to take a drive from Wales, then a ferry before taking my time through France, over the Pyrenees and into Spain – ending at Barcelona (via Madrid). Wonderful scenery while taking in a few cities too. Superb.
I would give it to my husband so that I no longer have to TRY to read maps – it is a well known fact that WOMEN CANNOT READ MAPS !!. I could then relax on a long journey, enjoy the scenery , maybe even sleep a little instead of “which exit off the motorway should I take ?” “Which road should I take at the next junction?” etc
I would use it for my trip in May to play beach volleyball in Brighton.
My husband loses hair everytime we go on a trip. Have Sat Nav would stop him going bald!
Oh to be relieved of map-reading / direction-giving duties.
Always followed by the sly dig that they’re ‘sure there was a better route than that…’.
I would make my way to deepest, darkest mid-wales
I would give it to my fiance as he gets lost all the time lol
Tweeted @cheekyd19
I’d love to travel down to my old university to look up my old haunts. I’d never make it without one of these as I have absolutely no sense of direction at all!
Forgot to add Kay wilkinson is @Chaoskay :O)
Thanks for all the entries – I’m going to close the comments now and we’ll get a winner selected next week.