Fancy a Spring in your step? Chevrolet has come up with a whole range of 12-plate deals that make choosing a new car for the new season an even more attractive proposition, with savings across the entire model range – Spark, New Aveo, Cruze Hatchback, Orlando and Captiva. The stylish Chevrolet Spark 1.0+ city car […]
The 2011/2012 Chevrolet Range
Chevrolet Offers On ’60’ Plate Cars
Buyers in the market for a brand new ‘60’-plate car can look to Chevrolet for unbeatable value for money, thanks to a raft of bargain prices on offer at participating retailers. Customers who order a new Chevrolet before the end of September can save as much as £3,400, with the impressively equipped Cruze 1.6 S […]
Chevrolet Cruze Lines Up On The Starting Grid For BTCC
This year, the BTCC is going to be hotting up, with the Chevrolet Cruze coming in as a manufacturer backed team! Two Silverline Chevrolet Cruzes will appear on the grid for the 2010 season, expected to be one of the closest and most exciting in the series’ history. The cars will be prepared by the […]